What’s been happening…
Calves have dominated the last 5 weeks, but they are all going well and once the next bad weather blows through they will be ready to head out to the great outdoors.
Andy has been fitting in some sauce making and elderflower brewing to keep up with demand and also stock up for the spring markets that aren't far away.
Sharon has been having fun with different mushrooms, with some Lions Mane in the fruiting room and a new mushroom outdoor bed with Wine Cap or King Stropharia incubating away for hopefully harvest next autumn. The Mushroom outdoor logs that we incubated last year may also start fruiting this spring, the anticipation is exciting. Also playing around with some sawdust bags with Native Oyster mushrooms, to see how they will go as a grow at home kit, these are so much fun to have at home and watch the mushrooms grow on your own bench. So hopefully the trials go well (we won't sell them unless we are very sure they will grow successfully) and we can offer these soon.
At Home
With spring upon us, it is time to turn a certain amount of focus towards the vege garden, the garlic is going well, we have some brassicas in the tunnel house that should be out before the tomato's go in, the onions have been a failure, the wind and birds have reduced the chance of an onion harvest to 0% so I will be planting a few more of those!!
I have basil growing inside (I love basil pesto) along with the first tomato plants. In pots outside (under cover) I have brassicas, lettuces, leeks, tomato's, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin and spinach. With a small amount of planning and space it is very easy to grow something at home and always tastes better.
What's coming up
Every Sunday South Christchurch Farmers Market 9am-12pm, then the Riverside Market at the Riverside Pantry 2pm-5pm (will be at the Wings and Wheels on Sunday 1st October).
Ashburton Market Day on South Canterbury Anniversary Day 25th September
Wings and Wheels Car and Aircraft Show 1st of October - 329 Kimberley Road Darfield. This show is a fundraiser for our local volunteer fire brigade and is growing every year, with lots for everyone to see. Come along!