The latest news from Shandy’s…
Andy's been down to The Timaru International Food Market, which had a great turn out of yummy food, and the customers enjoyed plenty of Shandy's awesome products with also a flash new market setup.
It's unfortunate we are leaving The Riverside Pantry, but this Sunday will be Andy's last shift there, with our products no longer being available there, we do have our sauces in both vege direct shops in Cranford street and Mairehau road.
At Home
We are always in development mode here at Shandy's and seeing how we can better cater to our customers needs and one thing in the pipeline is using our dehydrated mushrooms and powder to better serve our tramping and camping customers.
The trial for the home grow kits for the oyster mushrooms continues with some ups and downs. We have been able to take some fresh Lions Mane to the South Christchurch Farmers Market which was exciting, but still trying to perfect growing these.
Calves are growing well, it has been good to keep them inside with this changeable weather but most of them are now outside enjoying the slightly more settled weather.
In the Garden
Garlic is growing well, the onions have been replaced after the first failed crop, not as many though (there is only so many onions one person can plant in one season)!
The brassicas have been held inside a bit longer than normal because of the severe winds we have had of late but are now in the ground along with the spinach, potatoes, beetroot and carrots and a few snap peas, literally 2 plants!
Tomatoes are still inside, which I had to transplant as they got too tall not being able to go outside during the day, yes because of the wind.
Also have some zucchini, pumpkins and the hot house plants still inside waiting for the frosts to melt into summer.
What’s coming up
Sunday 15th October - Last day of Riverside Pantry. Sunday 15th October
Every Sunday - @South Christchurch Farmers Market continues
Saturday 14th October - Ellesmere A&P Show. This Saturday!!! Site 50
Monday 16th October - SWELL Senior Lifestyle Wellness Expo at the Lincoln Events Centre
Sunday 22nd October - Orton Bradley Park Spring Fair
Monday 23rd October - Hororata Parish Fete @ the Hororata domain
Thursday 26th October - The Christmas Country Fete @ National Equestrian Centre, McLeans Island