Warm Rice Salad with Marinated Stewing Steak

  • 400gms stewing steak

  • 120mls Shandy's Worcestershire Sauce

  • 1 cup rice (we use brown)

  • 1 cup frozen or canned corn

  • 2 tomatoes

  • 1/4 pumpkin (any veggies of your choice you have in the garden/fridge)

  • Salt/ pepper

  • 3 Tb Oil

1. Slice steak very thinly. Place in a bowl with Worcestershire Sauce, mix to coat steak, and cover and refrigerate overnight.

2. Heat pan to medium to high heat. Add 2 Tb oil then cook the steak cook for 2-3 minutes.

3. Cook rice as per instructions.

4. Roast veggies and cook corn.

5. Mix all cooked ingredients and add 1T of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.


Cheeky Elderflower Tipple