Warm Rice Salad with Marinated Stewing Steak
400gms stewing steak
120mls Shandy's Worcestershire Sauce
1 cup rice (we use brown)
1 cup frozen or canned corn
2 tomatoes
1/4 pumpkin (any veggies of your choice you have in the garden/fridge)
Salt/ pepper
3 Tb Oil
1. Slice steak very thinly. Place in a bowl with Worcestershire Sauce, mix to coat steak, and cover and refrigerate overnight.
2. Heat pan to medium to high heat. Add 2 Tb oil then cook the steak cook for 2-3 minutes.
3. Cook rice as per instructions.
4. Roast veggies and cook corn.
5. Mix all cooked ingredients and add 1T of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.